Saturday 6 February 2016

Featured Book: Curvy Diversion by Aidy Award

I’m Aidy Award and I’m pee-my-pants excited to be here!
Here’s a tiny bit about me.
Once upon a time there was a girl who lived to write stories of happy ever after. During the day.
But at night, oh at night, her world transformed into one of dark desires, deep passions and the forbidden. It is this duality that makes her so awesomesauce.
She combines the two sides of her imagination by penning stories of erotic romance and true love for curvy girls. It’s like Fifty Shades of Gray if she gained fifty pounds.
Read the delicious fantasies of heroes and heroines come to life under the covers and between the pages of Aidy’s books.

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Author Cross Promotion
What is this Chain of Love thing you ask?
I’m glad you did!
Me and six other HAWT authors got together and all wrote Curvy Girl romance stories. Part of the fun was that we all included a mystery character named Cameron in our books.
When you read the stories and figure out who Cameron is, you can enter to win our coolio prize pack! For US readers you can win a KINDLE FIRE! Plus copies of our some of our books, and an Amazon gift card! If you’re outside the US you can still win, but we’ve got to keep it electronic so get to win copies of ebooks from all of us.
Here's the link for the Rafflecopter to enter to win. You get one entry for each Cameron you find!
Happy Reading!

My new book is called Curvy Diversion!
Danica's run through her eleventeenth sub in as many months and is pretty sure she's lost her Dominatrix mojo. So when Grant, an old pal, asks her to do him a favor jumping in on a last minute photoshoot in Costa Rica, she's all in for a vacation, especially from the BDSM scene at Angels and Devils.
Grant can't wait to get Danica on film or into his bed. He's done with the friend zone and this trip to paradise is the perfect opportunity to show his college crush he's the man in charge, of her career and her bed.
A hurricane, a treehouse, and the well-laid plans of the last guy Danica thought wanted to be more than friends has her questioning whether she can survive the storm or a vanilla relationship. All when this trip was just supposed to be a Curvy Diversion.
If you like curvy girl BBW romance with some BDSM power play between a sexy photographer and a Dominatrix you'll love this book!
It’s only #99cents or #FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

Ooh…One of my favorite story types has always been friends to lovers. Danica is resisting it so hard core. (And I’ll let her for a little while, because I’m pretty much half in love with Grant myself. #BookBoyfriend)

Here’s an excerpt from Curvy Diversion for you.

***Being able to add cover shots from the first ever all-bodies swimsuit edition of the men’s sports magazine would make the whole photoshoot more than worth it.
If they went with Grant’s proposal it meant much needed money and a major boost to my career. Which would be sweet. Plus body positivity in mainstream media? Hell, yeah. A reality check filled with red-eye flights, chilly hurricane weather, and sea-weed up my bum. Priceless.
That is if Grant could sell it. If the board were giggly female models, no problem. But, he was payrolling this whole photoshoot on his own dime, it obviously meant a lot to him to make it work. Four models, half a dozen crew and the equipment alone had to run him at least twenty-five K. Plus, all the travel expenses. Even if we were only here for three nights.
I walked up the beach to the tent to wash off, warm up, and change my clothes. I rarely had jobs outside of a studio, and had never gotten the chance to go on a beach shoot, not that I’d get to do any sun bathing or anything. But having the butt-crack of dawn call gave me plenty of time to check out the seafood and a waterfall my fans on social media told me to visit. That is if the weather held.
The small freshwater shower the crew had set up rinsed off most of the grit, but salt and sand scratched me in places I didn’t even know existed. More came out when I peeled off the bikini top. I had half the beach in each cup. But the warm water slowly quieted the goosebumps.
“Danica,” a male voice with the lovely deep rumble of arousal came from behind me. Usually that was more than welcome. But with Grant?
Everyone and their mothers ran around naked or half-clothed on sets, but for some reason my hands still popped up to cover my breasts, which surprised the heck out of me. More men than I could count on my fingers and toes had seen me more than naked, and I certainly wasn’t a modest mouse.
The time I spent at the club, which was most nights, I used vo-yeurism and exhibitionism to amp up the fun playing with my subs. Through the imposing purple door of Devils and Angels were rules, expectations, and limits which were a big part of why I liked BDSM. Same went for a photoshoot. Photographers and models had their own special power exchange relationship. Both situations had particular levels of trust built in and that made me comforta-ble enough to take my clothes off. There was none of that with Grant.
He leaned against the tent pole and threw a camera bag over his shoulder. “The photographer showed me a couple of the shots and the red of your hair matches the sunrise perfectly. We couldn’t do better if it was photoshopped.”
I forgot to listen to what he said. This was the first I’d seen of him and I was too busy being hypnotized by the scruff on his dimpled chin. Wouldn’t that feel nice rubbing across my skin. He was one of those guys that got better looking with each year.
Plus, a man in a suit with his sleeves rolled up and his tie loos-ened had that ready for sex look I could never resist.
No no. Just friends. Always. It was probably the reason we’d been pals as long as we had. We’d missed the more-than-friends window a long time ago. Not that I wanted to be more than that with him. No. This was comfortable. But, just because we were friends didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate his appeal.***

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