Thursday 12 May 2016

Featured Book: FREE Her Rules by LynoXes

After nine years of marriage, the feelings between Annette and André are more than just fallen asleep. Everyday life has caught up and especially Annette finds it difficult to inspire her husband for new ideas, or just to draw his attention. Many of her suggestions to spice up the love life are nipped in the bud. At the same time, a never changing, unsatisfactory routine dominates in the bedroom. This raises the big question of how to deal with these problems. Is a separation the only solution and inevitable? 

One evening Annette finds an article on the subject of female domination in relationships. Interested she begins to read and is tied fast. The explanations in the text and the idea to experience it herself, excite Annette to an unusual degree. She decides to give it a shot and leave the status quo behind. As expected, her husband enthusiasm keeps within limits, but Annette is not going to give in fast. She knows that André has an explicit request himself and is willing to grant him this. With a small game and a lot of risk she wants to revive the relationship again. 

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